Smart Girl Summer

She’s not sure where her life’s going, but a yacht’s a good way to get there.
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From Kristin Rockaway comes a fun, insightful romance about what can happen when life gets off track but you’re willing to go along for the ride.
This summer’s not going as Abby Atkinson planned. A thieving PhD advisor, a screeching halt to her grad program, and zero job offers have left her high and dry. Nothing a little eat, pray, love across the Mediterranean can’t fix, right?
Or eat, pray, tutor, more like. Her dissertation might be dead, but she can still teach. She’ll just have to do it for six weeks on a superyacht with a billionaire and his daughter.
A playboy billionaire, according to the tabloids—but Abby’s not so sure. As big as his bank account is, his heart’s that much bigger, especially when it comes to his daughter. Their strained relationship could use some mending, though, and Abby can help. She was hired to teach junior high math, but she’ll make room in her lesson plans.
Falling for her boss wasn’t part of the plan either, but…
Maybe it’s time she let her heart, not her head, teach her something new.
Praise for Smart Girl Summer
Featured on Fortune’s List of 10 Page-Turning Novels You Should Read This Summer
“Rockaway strikes gold with this beachy rom-com… Smart, snappy prose, a lovably nerdy billionaire for a hero, and a complex tween who steals most scenes she’s in, make this instantly appealing. It’s perfect summer reading.” — Publishers Weekly
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